About Nysha

Nysha had come into the business knowing very little about real estate. She didn't even know that houses had a title! She knew cars had a title that transferred to a new owner but it hadn't occurred to her that a house would too. Boy did she have a lot to learn! Her first year was tough. She had set aside a 6-month contingency fund to get her through a lean time. She expected a dry spell of a few months while she got her footing in a new career. Nysha was all in! She had no other avenue of income. Little did she know that during her first year she would actually go 7 months in a row without a paycheck! This didn't stop her though. Every morning, she got up and went to work. She didn't always know what to do but she always did something. She talked to other realtors who had strong businesses. She took classes. She researched everything she could online to become a strong marketer. She held open houses. She even knocked on doors to find clients! By the end of her 2nd year in business, Nysha was recognized as the #13 realtor in her company! This story perfectly sums up the kind of realtor Nysha is, and the type of realtor she continuously strives to be for her clients. Nysha was taught at a young age that if you want something in life, you have to work for it. So that’s what she did. She worked hard! Nysha was raised in Pennsylvania and has 5 brothers. As a child, Nysha had aspirations of becoming an astronaut. Never in a million years did she think she’d stumble into the real estate industry, but you can’t always predict where or when you’ll discover what you’re meant to do in life.


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