Jim Curry - Seller Book

constant state of anxiety about paying both rent on the apartment you rented when you le ft the family home and the mortgage on a house that has been on the market for six months, you’ll feel the pressure. If you’re still in the home and have to maintain it in showing condition for months on end, it can wear you down. Finding the right buyer can be mentally and emotionally exhausting. Knowledgeable buyers can and o ft en do push you to the limit to get the price they want, especially if they sense that you’re “desperate.” WHEN THE COMPETITIVE PRESSURE IS ON When facing an informed buyer, remember that the one with the most options will win the negotiation. Th e buyer may have researched your home’s history on the market. If you have relocated, he may assume you’re desperate to sell and willing to take his o ff er. If he’s been told that you’re in the middle of a divorce, he may try to leverage that fact by playing your emotions to get the deal he wants. On the fli pside, if he thought you had three other buyers waving higher o ff ers, he would have to raise his o ff er or walk away. Always remember that it takes two to make a deal, and always trust your gut. Sharpen your senses to know when a buyer doesn’t have other property options. Perception plays a big role in negotiations. If an interested buyer thinks you have rejected o ff ers higher than his, you have the upper hand and he may feel pressured to o ff er more. On the fli pside here, the buyer may let you know that yours is not the only home he’s interested in order to pressure you to accept his price. Th e key to being a power negotiator is to stay calm and focused during the process to avoid costly mistakes. Knowing your buyer’s motivation — without exposing yours — will give 89

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