How to Turn Past Clients - Authorify

“You know that movie we talked about that looked kind of lame? Well, I was dragged into watching it last  night, and man, it was a whole lot better than I expected!”  Starting off with doubt creates a vivid Before/After image in a reader's mind. But the really  powerful part is when the reader sees how the same doubt the subject had was resolved. The reader  is more likely to be persuaded to go after the same solution (i.e. hire the same agent).  Reverse Testimonial Example (not real life):  Finding the right real estate agent has been a bit of a struggle for me. During the past few months, I've been  looking for a new home, and none of the Realtors I found would or could help me find one that I liked. That's  why when I was referred to John Seymour, I doubted he would be any better. But then, I discovered John was  the first Realtor to actually listen to me. He really dug down deep to find out what kind of house I was looking  for, where it would be located and the price range I could afford. Then, the instant a home came up matching  my criteria, John texted the info to me right away and arranged a time for us to look at it.   With every other Realtor I dealt with before, I ended up doing all the research on places like Zillow. Then,  when I called them up to arrange a time for us to see the property, it was like pulling teeth. But, with John,  things were different. He ALWAYS made time for me and somehow managed to be waiting at the houses  before I even got there.  The other thing I have to say about John is how caring, patient and dedicated he was with me. I was pretty  picky about where I wanted to live, and it took us about 9 months before I found a place that I really liked.  During those months John never gave up on me and worked even harder, especially at those times I was about  ready to give up.  I'm happy to say the place John found for me is spectacular and actually exceeds many of the criteria I  originally set. When it comes to Realtors, if you want one who takes you seriously, won't waste your time,  won't try to "sell" you on a particular home (just to get the commission) and will do whatever it takes to find  you your ideal home, I highly recommend John Seymour.  How to Write the Testimonial   Here are a few tips for turning the survey answers into a testimonial:  ● Use the reverse testimonial, and start with the obstacle that the buyer or seller had.  ● Use first person point of view. It might feel strange at first to talk about yourself from the  buyer or seller’s perspective, but remember, you’re simply piecing together their answers  from the survey, which are already in first person.   ● Add as little “fluff” as possible; stick to what was actually said in the survey. This is the best  way to prevent changing a lot of it later.  


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