How to Turn Past Clients - Authorify

As a Realtor, I live and die on reviews. The more reviews I get, the more efficiently I can tailor my  service to clients’ needs.   If reviews are important to you, would you help me help other people just like you make a great  decision on choosing a Realtor by posting your testimonial on the two sites below?  ● Zillow: [​ Insert your Zillow review link here ]  ● Google My Business: [​ Insert your Google My Business review link here ]  Also, I have a gift I would LOVE to give you to show you my heartfelt appreciation.   [>>>>>> Editor’s note:​ At this point you can mention what the gift would be or leave it as a surprise (you can  test both ways to see which works best for you).   Either way, make sure whatever the gift is, it’s personal, meaningful and most importantly, "best-in-class" in  whatever you give. If it’s a dinner at a restaurant, make it the most expensive one you can afford. If you can  add a limo ride — even better. If you know they have kids, consider an all-day pass to a nearby theme park  for the whole family. The point is to make it a memorable, meaningful experience.  

We’ll talk more about gift options in Chapter 7.  

Remember: The point of strategic gifting is to "WOW ​ with something so unexpected, so  remarkable they cannot help but tell their friends about you — which will lead to you getting a flood of  referrals. >>>>>>>>>> End of Editors Note​ ]  Thank you so much for the time you spent giving me feedback, and I'm looking forward to hearing  " ​ your client

from you soon!  [Realtor’s name] 


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