How to Turn Past Clients - Authorify

Reviews on Zillow, Google, Yelp and places other than your own site will give you  credibility.   Sure, anyone can post awesome reviews about themselves on their own website, but if folks are  saying favorable things about you in other venues, such as Google, Yelp, Zillow, or, it  adds a level of credibility to you that certainly goes a long way.   Reviews on third-party sites assure buyers and sellers that others agree you are good at your  profession and you aren’t simply bragging on yourself.   Reviews naturally overcome objections.  If a buyer or seller has a certain objection, reading a review where someone else explains how you  overcame certain obstacles and difficulties in buying and selling homes can reassure them that you  are the person for the job.   This is a fantastic reason to ask about initial objections or challenges in the survey questions you  send recent clients after a transaction. Many times, buyers and sellers share the same concerns, and  good reviews where those concerns are touched on can make a difference.   When people see you online, you want them to associate you with these glowing reviews.  We all know that saying, “Your reputation precedes you.” And we all want that same thing said  about us when we have worked hard for a solid, favorable reputation. Glowing reviews online and  in print can help buyers, sellers and members of your community associate you with a job well  done. Furthermore, since other people who encounter you (and think about your reputation) might  become buyers and sellers one day soon, the association is likely to bring in more business.   Testimonials can seal the deal during a listing presentation.  A great testimonial can be a strong part of a listing presentation. If you have testimonials from  sellers that were able to sell their homes efficiently and lucratively with the help of your services,  those accolades will definitely help other sellers decide that you are the right agent for the listing.  


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