How to Turn Past Clients - Authorify

Chapter 6: Video Testimonials   and Case Studies 

When you’re scrolling through your social media feed, do you read every status or line of text you  see? Or are you more likely to stop and watch a video? Videos are a powerful way to connect with  potential leads and also show genuine proof of a past client’s opinion of you and what you offer. A  video can provide a great platform for either regular reviews or for longer case studies.   Case Study Interviews   Sometimes, a special client comes along and the experience is so remarkable for both of you that a  regular survey and review seems insufficient. In those instances, it might be preferable to ask them  to participate in a case study interview.   Here are a few times when you might want to ask for a full-blown case study:  ● If the transaction or circumstances were extraordinary in some way  ● If the completed transaction entailed overcoming unusual hurdles or obstacles successfully  ● If the relationship between you and the client was particularly close   I’ll walk you through how to prepare for a case study interview and how to get your past clients to  deliver a powerful video testimonial.   How to Prepare for a Case Study Interview If you’re not used to interviewing people as part of your job, this whole process might seem  daunting or stressful. But if you think of the interview less as a Q&A session and more as a general  conversation, you’ll get a better end result, and the actual “interview” will be much more relaxed.  You might even want to give this list of questions to the clients beforehand so they have time to  prepare what they’ll say and feel more comfortable and less “on the spot.”   Talking Points  What should your main “topics of conversation” be for a case study interview? Well, it depends on  the reason for doing a case study on a particular person in the first place. You’ll want to structure  the interview loosely, giving the client plenty of wiggle room to talk. Here’s a general outline of the  interview: 


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