How to Turn Past Clients - Authorify

Yes, you’re going to have to shell out some cash for whatever prize you choose, but it will be money  well-spent. A well-executed contest could earn you that money back many times over.  Try to think of prizes that are universal, things pretty much anyone would want. This could include  electronics (laptops, tablets, etc.), getaways (travel fare, concert tickets, etc.), or gift cards (fuel,  groceries, clothes, etc.).  Here are a few ideas for getting clients to engage with you on social media by offering a fun contest  or prize. A great thing about getting reviews using these methods is that you can triple-dip: share  the call entries first, the winner later, and the review much later.   Best-Written Review Contest  Ask anyone who’s previously worked with you to write a paragraph about how much they enjoyed  the experience and why they would recommend you to others. Run the contest for a month, then  pick the best one out of the pack and give them the prize.  Don’t forget to promote the winner on your social media pages!   The beauty of this contest is that pretty much every submission you get will be valuable — after all,  everyone’s writing to win. Even if you only get 10 reviews this way, you can probably use every  single one to help solidify your reputation as a valuable agent.  Dual Reviews   Think about this: what’s the easiest way to get someone to compliment you? Simple: You  compliment them first!  You can use this same method to help earn yourself more testimonials. All you need to do is give  one of your own regarding past clients.  As an example, you could publish a blog entry or social media post about the young couple you  helped move into their first home. You could talk about how easy they were to work with, how  quick they were to get the necessary things done, and how wonderful they are as people in general.  Chances are, the couple will then turn around and say a bunch of nice things about you.  Once they do, all you need to do is ask them if you can use what they said as a testimonial. They’ve  already taken the time to write nice things, so they‘ll most likely agree. Don’t forget to give them a  gift for their participation.  


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