How to Turn Past Clients - Authorify

Starting the Conversation by Sending Regular Newsletters  Another idea is to send a monthly or biweekly newsletter to all of your past clients. Send different  newsletters to home sellers and home buyers for maximum effectiveness.  Here are some tips for crafting the best newsletters.   Consistency is important.  You don’t send out one or two newsletters and earn respect. It's a process that takes some time.  Commit to sending a newsletter once or twice a month. Once a week is probably too frequent.  Use your branding.   You must also maintain consistent branding throughout your email. The colors, layout and overall  feeling of your newsletter should be consistent with your brand. The readers need to able to quickly  connect the newsletter to you or your company’s website.  Find the best day and time.   This has a giant impact on whether your newsletter will be opened and read or not. For example,  on weekdays, the best times to send are between 8-10 AM and 3-4 PM. A lot of emails are opened  in the mornings and reread in the afternoons.  You can mess with a few different times and dates when you start and see what works best for your  specific audience.   Take steps to make it somewhat personal.  Since these are past clients you’re mailing to, there are a couple of steps to make your newsletter  more personal. First, use an email with your name on it.  Also, use your first and last name in the from section — not your company name.  Personalize your email signature, as well. This will stop it from being marked as spam.  Finally, check the “personalized” box when you send it. Most email services will take your email list  and automatically write the first name of the person you're contacting at the start of the email when  you check this box. When emails mention the receiver's name, they get six times the response.  Fill it with relevant and strong content. 


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