How to Turn Past Clients - Authorify

Interact on Social Media Social media is probably the easiest and fastest way to connect with your clients. Chances are, most,  if not all, of your clients use social media, so the groundwork is already there.  However, no one — including your former clients — wants to be constantly bombarded with  personal messages asking them for referrals. Social media is all about casual interactions. You can  comment and “like” content your former clients post, but don’t go overboard.  Try to maintain friendly, engaged, yet low-pressure interactions. You can message former clients  once or twice a year to see how things are going and offer to help them resolve any issues or answer  any questions they may have about their new homes. There are many times a personal update is  appropriate and very much appreciated. For instance, if a former client finds out she’s having a  baby, you can message her your congratulations.  Mail a Monthly Postcard, Letter, Newsletter, or Magazine. When you're expecting a package, you can’t wait for the mailman to drop it off so you can tear up  the box and get to the contents, right?  Your clients are also part of the 79% of consumers who act on direct mail immediately, compared  with 45% who act on email communication.  As I mentioned in a previous chapter, mailing your former clients a monthly newsletter of some  kind is a great way to maintain contact. Depending on what kind of newsletter you send, it doesn’t  even have to be that expensive. You can send a monthly letter for pennies.  Email Useful Resources, Information, or Tips.  Statistics show that 91% of people check their emails daily. That’s why email presents a huge  opportunity to maintain engagement with former clients and offer them entertaining and  potentially valuable content.  However, a great email blast isn’t as simple as writing a message and hitting “send.” Here are just a  few pointers when you’re creating or sharing content with former clients:  Connect on a local level. People want to know about upcoming events, unique places to visit, and  general happenings in their towns. If a former client happens to attend a great event you  recommended, they’ll remember you for recommending it and remember you if a friend asks for a  referral. 


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