How to Turn Past Clients - Authorify

Part 4: Damage Control Just as positive reviews can greatly enhance your real estate business, negative reviews can  absolutely destroy it. In this section, we’ll talk about how to keep your clients happy to prevent  them from leaving negative reviews and also how to do damage control if a negative review ever  does surface online.   Chapter 10: Keeping Your Clients Happy  A “bad review” can affect an agent’s ability to acquire new leads and clients...and not just once. It’s  like the gift that keeps on giving...a gift like Aunt Gertie’s annual fruit cake.  Every December, it shows up, full of those weird candy things and pieces of prunes. You might  forget about it as the year goes by, but then, that special dessert makes its appearance again.  Negative reviews can be just as haunting as Christmas-confections-gone-bad, so it’s important to  avoid them at all costs!   A bad review is typically just the icing on a cake packed full of agent faux pas. What are these  Realtors doing to leave such a sour taste in their clients’ mouths?  It’s important to understand which actions (or lack of actions) stir up such deeply felt resentment, so  we’ve compiled a list of the things agents should avoid doing at all costs.  5 Common Client Complaints About Real Estate Agents  A Google search for “How to fire a real estate agent” turned up about 84,900,000 results.  Clearly, there are a lot of folks on the hunt for ways to ditch their current agents.  If you don’t want to be ground zero for your client’s next internet search, you might want to brush  up on your:  1. Communication  If this was a questionnaire seeking your opinion on client dissatisfaction, this is probably what most  of you would have written down somewhere near the top. 


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