How to Turn Past Clients - Authorify

Chapter 2: How to Send   an Online Survey to Clients 

Here comes the fun part — creating a survey of questions that will encourage your clients to be  honest and “spill the beans.” Instead of doing this the old-fashioned way and sending a printed  survey in the mail or emailing a list of questions, it’s best if you use a service like SurveyMonkey so  your clients can click through the questions and submit their replies in a form. Not only will this  boost your credibility as an agent, it will make saving and using their responses easier down the  road. You can easily create a survey and send a link in an email so they can submit their answers.   How to Create the Survey  Note that SurveyMonkey does offer certain templates (such as a Customer Satisfaction Survey —  and even one industry-specific for Real Estate), but if you want to make use of our questionnaire  below, you can easily do so with these steps:  ● Visit and create a user account.   ● At the top of the home page, click on “Create Survey.”  ● Click on “Start from Scratch.”  ● Input your own questions and answers. Simply input the questions and choose “Comment  Box” for the type of answer format, so clients can type their answers.   Click “Done” and then “Save” for the survey after you’ve entered all of the questions and comment  boxes. There is a separate page where you can input email addresses, under “Collect Responses.”  That’s where you would enter the email address/addresses of your client. Survey Monkey will allow  you to edit the subject line of the email to make it more personal, as well as the message.   ● After you finish modifying the email, you might need to verify your email address.   ● Choose to send the survey to the client right away or later on, as a link. The Survey Questions Question #1: What information sources did you use to find your real estate agent?  Open houses | Internet | Social networking website| Mortgage brokers | Family or friend  recommendation | Association or club recommendations | Real estate advertisements| Yard signs |  Other


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