Authorify - Broker Book Preview

marketing plan for sellers? And can you help buyers put together a buying plan? You’d be surprised how many agents overlook this important step! 7. Find your passion and use it to get business. Customers are drawn to passionate people. Let the secret of Affinity Marketing put your passion to work. This can also give you greater satisfaction by putting more of “you” in your career. 8. Develop a niche expertise and promote yourself as the best at that niche. Clients want to work with an expert. Find out how to tap your unique expertise. Your niche should help you form a core platform for prospecting, but it shouldn’t prevent you from seeking business in other areas. 9. Identify and use your communication strength. Different people communicate in different ways. Some are great public speakers. Some express themselves more effectively through their writing. Others are more comfortable communicating and building rapport one-on-one. Avoid your personal pitfalls and find the way that works best for you. 10. Build your clientele. Wouldn’t you love to wake up every morning and know that new customers were on their way? Learn the secret of a top sales expert, who shared his secret, the Law of 250.


• This book details the 10 simple steps — and professional secrets — to unlocking skills you didn’t know you had.


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