always be the top reason homes sell successfully. Here is a list of other common reasons that homes do not sell: • The home is too cluttered. Piles and stacks of stuff discourage buyers. • The home interior is dated. Old colors and old flooring deter sales, as do any upgrades that will be necessary to freshen up the decor. • The home owner is not flexible with showings. Plan ahead to ensure kids, pets, and you are ready to show at any time. • The market is not favorable at listing time. Deciding to list at another time may be the best option. • The home is located in an abandoned development. The housing crash of 2008 left many houses empty in many neighborhoods. • The real estate agent did not provide a sufficiently aggressive marketing plan. • The real estate agent did not perform the Comparative Market Analysis correctly and failed to provide strategic pricing for the home.


• To secure a sale, be prepared to offer bargaining chips, such as free equipment, appliances, amenities, or services. • Another option is to assist the buyer with a financial need, such as helping with closing costs, buying down the mortgage, or prepaying property taxes for a year. • To anticipate seller needs and requests, familiarize yourself with the various factors that are most likely to kill a sale or give the buyer second thoughts about it.


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