In fact, the American Society of Home Inspectors counts electrical issues as one of the top deal-killers in the home-buying process. Some of the most frequent electrical issues found include:
• Undergrounded three-prong plugs • Painted outlets • Double tapping of circuit breakers • Reversed polarity • Improperly modified electrical panels • Knob and tube wiring • Aluminum wiring • Federal Pacific breaker panels • No GFCI protection
Unless the extent of your electrical issues is a burned-out lightbulb, all electrical work should be handled by a licensed professional. Besides being too complicated for most homeowners to handle, electrical repairs pose a huge risk of electrocution and fire. I’ve recommended Rack Electric to many of my clients in the past. Not only are they affordable, but they perform top-quality work, ranging from fixing faulty outlets to completely rewiring older homes.
There’s no one I trust more to work with my clients.
Rack Electric Inc. 561-391-3550
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