When it’s time to sell your home, don’t skimp on the smaller details when you can use curb appeal to your advantage and get more out of the closing price. By having your home in its most pristine condition, inside and out, you’ll seal the deal in no time. Image is literally everything, and the exterior of the home matters just as much as the interior. Curb appeal can have a big influence on selling price and will ensure your home doesn’t languish on the market. Statistics show that a home with outstanding landscaping will bring 5 percent more than a home with average landscaping, and 7 percent more than one whose landscaping is in a bit of disarray. So, you can see that if you spend a little money on that $150,000 home, it could mean $7,000 to $8,000 more in your pocket just from curb appeal. On a $500,000 home, landscaping could easily add $25,000 to $35,000 to the selling price.


• Curb appeal—the first visual impression prospective buyers receive when seeing your home from the street or in a photo—is a vital component of the home selling process. • It’s important to put your emotions aside and look at your house objectively, the way buyers will see it. • The tidiness, condition, and overall look of your home’s exterior will strongly influence the way prospective buyers envision the home’s interior. • Some touch-ups and repairs are easy; others are expensive and time-consuming. Outstanding landscaping can add 5 percent to 7 percent to a home’s selling price.


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