and one that you charge up jointly, or a joint credit card. This allows you to contribute equally to shared expenses such as utilities and meals out in a 50/50 manner. While not conventional, it defuses one of the most contentious aspects of a relationship. Plus, you'll still have your own bank account and credit cards if you want to do something nice for your partner, independently of your joint funds. • Bad Habits - Think of your pet peeves, and ask your partner to communicate them early on, this way you will know well in advance what the hot buttons are, and can choose to make a point of avoiding these actions. • Space - Couples fight, there is no relationship that is perfect, but if possible, consider having separate bedrooms and bathrooms. If you each have your own "dedicated" space, there will be no arguments over how it is maintained, or how you choose to use, within reason of course! Additionally, it is essential for each party to have a space to retreat to where they can close the door and regroup, this seems to work wonders. • Sex - Everyone's drive will vary, and it is rare to find a partner where your preferences match up perfectly. This is an absolutely necessary and healthy component of most successful relationships, so have a conversation about this to ensure you are both on the same page. If not, it doesn't have to be a big deal, just make sure you are both are willing to make concessions so neither party feels physically neglected. • Sleeping Preferences - This might seem trivial, but consider how you feel when you are upset with your partner about something. Now add a bad night of sleep as


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