over the most trivial things, and in a healthy relationship, this type of disagreement should make up 95% - 99% of arguments. So, if you don't believe the issue at hand is one that cause you major unhappiness a year from now, try to drop it or defuse it quickly, as it's probably not worth having a blowout over. Never, ever, should you treat your significant other or their concerns with contempt. There was an article written about the four indicators that could determine whether a relationship or marriage were heading for separation, and the number one and most reliable and consistent factor in relationships dissolving was having contempt for your partner or spouse. At all costs don't do it, it's both disrespectful and absolutely unnecessary. Let me leave you with a final thought on money, our most common issue among couples. People disagree about whether money is necessary for happiness, and some feel as if it doesn't even matter at all. This can make or break couples, especially ones that are already having problems. Here is a perspective on money that has served me well over the years, and hopefully you will be able to benefit from it also. When it comes to money, there is what's called, "T he Law Of Diminishing Return ", essentially meaning that eventually, with enough money, you will have enough to buy everything you need and want, and the only thing left for you to buy are more and "larger" of the same things. Rather, lets examine how money can "buy" happiness, and the terms upon which it can be bought. Unless you are on the same level as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, or one of these household billionaire names, chances are, there will always be someone that makes more money than you do. So, how might humans of lesser means find similar joy in the money we earn? There have been several published pieces about this, exactly, and the common theme is as follows. The way to achieve happiness with respect to money is to be in the upper financial echelon within your social circles. Not only does this allow you to feel adequate among your peers, it also allows you to host and be generous to others, which is where the true happiness can be
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