semper paratus .


If you or your spouse want to keep the house and buy out the other, but need time before this can be accomplished, co- ownership is a possibility. However, maintaining a clear channel of communication with the ex-spouse is a major part of co- ownership and one of the most difficult to achieve because it requires a lot of mutual trust, something that is typically lacking in most divorce scenarios. If there were lies before, remember, there will be more lies than ever, now. The goal is to move forward, so any concessions made between the spouses benefit not only both parties but especially the kids. Maintaining a civil, business-like relationship in front of your children will help them maintain stability and keep them from moving away from their home, when they’re already adjusting to a lot of change. If one of the spouses can occupy the home with the children and make the mortgage payments until they can manage a buyout and become the sole owner, it’s a win- win. The drawback to this type of arrangement is the negative consequences if the spouse in residence defaults on mortgage payments. Both parties are still responsible, and missed payments will affect both spouse’s credit scores. The less joint responsibility you have with your soon to be ex, the better. Life has pushed you apart for good reason, listen to those reasons and never expect your ex-partner to be better to you in a divorce than they were previously. Moving forward with a new life can be tricky in a co-ownership agreement because consistent communication is necessary, and that isn’t always (or even usually) easy for divorced couples. House payments, insurance premiums, utilities, and necessary repairs are guaranteed financial obligations. What if the utilities are shut off due to nonpayment? What if the home heating and


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