AFY Ingrid Rojas -Divorce


If the marital home has been the hub of happiness and family life, it may turn out to be a constant reminder of what it once was and is no more. The good memories the home represents are now tainted by the unhappiness and pain of divorce. No matter how strong sentimental value may be, often the best option is to sell the house and move on. That way, both spouses get some money to make a clean break and start fresh. Once you’ve decided to sell, there is a long “to-do” list, a list that is difficult under the best of circumstances and only made more difficult with the added emotion of divorce. The liability of keeping a home may be the best reason to sell. There are various ways to keep a house with one spouse remaining and the other departing, but they all carry risks and challenges. An equity buyout occurs when one spouse keeps the asset, and, in exchange, compensates the other for his or her share of the equity. LIABILITY


If one spouse is in a financial position to remain in the home, it may be easier to buy out the other’s share of the property, which would entail refinancing the home. The real challenges come in working out the details. There could be disagreement about the selling price or the appraisal value.


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