AFY Ingrid Rojas -Divorce

everyone on the same wavelength. Suitable agents are focused on being objective and are unaffected by emotional outbursts from either party. Not only do you want a Realtor® with divorce experience who is a good listener/communicator, you also want one who is genuinely concerned about your situation. They should show an interest in helping both parties experience a quick and strong rebound in their finances. They should also be knowledgeable about the local market in order to price your home correctly from the start. Listing price to sale price ratio —What is their success rate for sales? Current — Is the agent up-to-date with the latest housing trends so he/she can serve you effectively? Connected — Does the agent belong to a network with the necessary contacts to assist in every phase of the sales? This network should include home inspectors, quality service- people, other brokers, and county officials. Knowledgeable — Is the agent familiar with the current market and able to price your home strategically? Does s/he know the unique features of your neighbourhood to distinguish your home from the competition? Does s/he know what to highlight in your area to attract buyers? Here are some traits to look for when hiring an agent.


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