AFY Ingrid Rojas -Divorce


Once every room has a purpose, creating atmosphere is key to making your home desirable. Decorative touches like greenery, flowers, and scented candles give life to your home. Frame rooms with creatively placed wall art. A bedroom with one bed, a single pillow and blanket, and a harsh overhead light will make the room seem bare and lonely. By adding a table with a little décor and a rocking chair draped with a lap robe, you heighten its appeal. Make sure to add elements of the same colour, shape, or texture to unify the room. Any splashes of bold colour should appear in the wall art or any place you want to draw attention. Learn to strike a balance between staging and living in your home. You can tastefully decorate for the seasons without dashing your home’s appeal. The main goal is to keep your home clean and free of “stuff ” that distracts would-be buyers. Even simple things can make a big impact on the final sale price of a home. Effective staging is one of those things!

You have two options for staging a home:

• Option 1: Do it yourself. • Option 2: Hire a professional home stager.

If you are considering hiring someone to handle your staging, contact me for a list of references. I’m happy to


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