AFY Ingrid Rojas -Divorce

shelving bins to organize detergent, bleach, and dryer sheets. Never leave clothes on the floor. Refrain from using the tops of the appliances for storage. • Garage — Although cleaning the garage may be the most daunting task when preparing your house for sale, it can be as simple as getting rid of things you haven’t touched in years. Boxes of broken toys, useless sports gear, and rusty tools all seem to migrate to the dark corners of the garage. This is the best time to donate or discard. Other items like paint, extra tiles for the floor, and bicycles can be shelved or hung. • Pets — Store pet items out of sight during showings. See the following section on Pet Peeves for details on how to deal with pets while selling your home. A thorough deep-cleaning of your home is vital. It helps people selling a car get more money for their vehicle, and it will work for you in selling your home. Once the clutter is gone, move on to cleaning each room. It makes sense to clean each room after you have removed the clutter. Tidy each room from top to bottom. Be meticulous, especially in the kitchen and bathrooms. Home buyers will open cabinets, pantries, and closets to assess their storage opportunities. DEEP CLEANING: SPOTLESS IS THE NAME OF THE GAME



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