to you at some point?

For most landlords, an eviction is a major red flag, and they’ll absolutely refuse to rent their house to somebody who’s had one because it’s an indicator of a much bigger problem, such as rent payment issues or property damage. However, other landlords are willing to overlook an eviction from farther back in the past. What will your rules be? • Will you accept people with a criminal background? It’s perfectly acceptable and common for landlords to deny tenancy requests for individuals with criminal backgrounds. It’s a potentially messy situation they’d prefer to avoid. However, it’s still something you need to think about it. If you’re open to accepting those with a criminal record, whom would you accept, and whom would you deny? Will you rent your house to people who’ve had a misdemeanor? What about a felony? What about sex offenders or those who have been convicted of other violent crimes, such as domestic violence, assault, and murder? Where will you draw the line? You need to figure out what’s acceptable and comfortable to you. • How will you handle references? It’s pretty standard for owners renting out their property to ask for and check on references for potential candidates. Still, it’s a decision you need to make, and there are still considerations. Probably the best reference — and the most telling — will be the candidate’s former landlord(s). You should ask a former landlord the tenant’s reason(s) for leaving, whether they paid rent on time, and how they treated the property. Don’t forget to ask whether they gave the landlord proper notice before moving, whether the tenant received their entire deposit back, and whether this


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