• Let your relatives, friends, and neighbors know, and ask them to help you spread the word. • Hold an open house. To be fair, open houses are controversial. Yes, they can be the first time a real buyer gets a chance to see your home, but they’re also magnets for real estate gawkers and curious or even nosy neighbors. • Get your property on the MLS (Multiple Listing Service). This is a for-agents-only list of homes for sale and the first place a real estate professional looks for homes for their clients. You can pay a discount agent a fee ($500 to $1,000) to place your home in the MLS. • To give your rental property the most exposure possible, you’ll want to post ads on any and every single realty website, including the most popular ones, like Realtor.com, Zillow, and Trulia. These sites have millions of viewers and will advertise your listing for free. • Use your social media followers to help sell your home. Place your ad and photos on these sites, and ask followers to spread the word. • Put an ad in your local newspaper. (Yes, some people still read newspaper classifieds.) Most publications will give you a combo rate for print and online ads. • Tap your inner Spielberg and make a video of your home that you can post on YouTube. You can string together photographs or narrate a walkthrough.

Is Craigslist Your Friend?

Listings on free online sites like Craigslist can help spread the word, but they rarely produce a buyer willing to pay top dollar. When people are looking on a free site, they’re looking to save


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