these types of companies unless we’re looking for them. These companies normally provide the furniture, the trucks, and the manpower to get it to its destination. The only downside is that they also normally require a three- month minimum rental period. Of course, if you happen to sell your home sooner, you’re not out any extra money for returning the furniture early. • Thrift shops or antique shops. If you have any of these in your area, you might consider asking to rent larger pieces of furniture. While you won’t always be successful at this, if you find something that would fit your needs, it doesn’t hurt to ask. If you don’t want to rent furniture, some experts suggest using cardboard furniture for a comparatively lower cost. You can dress it up as standard furniture without anyone necessarily seeing the difference. In fact, a lot of this furniture is durable enough to be sat upon, so it makes for a surprisingly good stand-in. Whichever furniture option you choose, make sure that it is indeed the best for your particular situation, and that it will bring you the greatest return on investment by either helping sell the house more quickly than expected and/or for a higher price.

Pro Tip: The Power of Fresh Air

There are people who love to open the windows every morning to let the breeze rush through, and then there are those people who couldn’t be paid to open the windows. If you never allow fresh air to blow through your home, then it’s most likely developed an unappealing odor, which you might not detect yourself. Open up and air out!


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