that come up during closing.

Even if your state doesn’t require you to use an attorney, I highly recommend adding one to your team anyway. They can review brokerage agreements, discuss tax consequences of a sale, explore and explain issues not contained in a standard contract (such as if your property contains hazardous waste), and explain closing costs and help determine if all are fair. Just as important is having an accountant who has the experience working with real estate investors. They will be up-to-date on all the latest tax laws and make sure you’re able to take advantage of as many as you can. There’s even a possibility that the money your accountant saves you will cover what pay them — and maybe even more! They’ll also help you stay on top of things, which means less work and stress for you, which is certainly worth it, as well. A property manager can be helpful if you’ve got a number of investment properties or even one large one, such as an apartment complex or large strip mall. They can handle all day- to-day issues that come up, collect rent, and bring in and screen potential tenants. For more information, please refer to Chapter 11. Last, but certainly not least, having a real estate agent, like me, who knows the ins and outs of whatever might come up can be extremely helpful. Not only that, I can assist you in putting together your ideal team of all the professionals I’ve listed above. Read on to find out what other benefits I can provide.


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