directly responsible for the transactions or money, your intermediary must be someone with whom you haven’t worked for at least two years. Let’s use this example from a March 2019 interview that “The Motley Fool” conducted with Thomas Castelli: Let’s say you have a property you bought for $100,000. Ten years pass, and now it’s worth $150,000. You have a $50,000 capital gain. Break it up in between capital gain and depreciation recapture however you want. You’re still going to have to pay tax on that $50,000. So, when you pay tax on that $50,000 of capital gains, you’re going to have less money you can reinvest. What a 1031 allows you to do is invest that entire amount so you’re not paying the taxes today, and you can purchase a larger property. You could continually purchase larger and larger properties and continue to use the 1031 exchange pretty much forever. And if you really wanted to — I’m just going to be honest, as it’s easier said than done — you can eventually leave the property to your heirs and they’ll receive that property at the fair market value on the date of your death by eliminating all of this capital gains depreciation recapture that you should have paid during your lifetime. In theory, you can just keep purchasing larger and larger properties, making more and more cashflow, but never actually paying any taxes on that property. In the interview, Castelli also talked about opportunity funds, a new way to possibly put off or completely eliminate capital gains taxes. Opportunity funds are a way to invest in opportunity zones, which low-income communities’ governors have identified, and the Treasury has approved. The funds come with tax incentives, including the ability to defer capital gains on a variety of capital assets. These include not just


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