Introduction Hi there! It’s nice to meet you. If you’ve received this book, it’s probably because you’re thinking about making a Real Estate Investment. And if you’re like most investors, you may be dreading the entire process. But that’s why I’m here! My job is to make your job as an investor as easy and seamless as possible. Throughout my years of experience in the real estate industry, I’ve amassed insider knowledge to help investors get the most money out of their investment, long-term. And now, you’ve got all of that information at your fingertips. If you’ve ever wondered how a friend with a seemingly average knowledge of investing in real estate, the answer isn’t luck. That person likely was working with a great Realtor®.

In this book, you’ll find:

• Financing your investments • A How-to Guide for Wholesaling • A Guide to Flipping Houses • Home Renovation ROI • Protect yourself from FLOPS • A guide to investing in Rentals

• Property Management 101 • How Agents help investors

Sure, you can try to employ these strategies yourself. But I suggest talking to a licensed professional — like myself — to employ them for you. Yes, finding the right home can be stressful, but with this book (and my help!), we can make the process as quick and seamless as possible. v

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