Listing Presentation Guide - AFY

● We typically explain our marketing efforts and offer our compensation program before being asked. It's rare that we get objections, but we handle each of them on an individual basis and will often walk away if they persist. ● The value I provide justifies my commission. Remember, I do not keep the full commission; it costs me money to market your home, and finally, if you were another agent and there were other homes on the market offering full commission, which home would you show? ● I wouldn’t be out-negotiated with other agents on the sale of your home, and I stand firm on my commission in the same manner. The price we get for your house is just as important to me as the amount of my commission, because it helps me to continue my success of selling your home exactly as I’ve done for others in the past. It’s a formula that works, and we are both walking away with a win! That’s the recipe for great results. ● I ask them if they would want the bargain surgeon. ● We let them know that most of the lowered commissions deals mean putting a listing the computer and that's about it. We explain we are there every step of the way. We advertise, network and market every day. We use, multimedia, social media, MLS, networking and open houses if needed. ● No. If your boss would ask you to do the same work for a lesser rate of pay, would you accept that offer? For me to work at a lower rate, I would have to provide a lower quality of service, and I don't believe one can build a successful business by lessening the service provided. You can't get a Lexus for the price of a Yugo. Any more questions? Q6: How do you overcome objections like “I want to think about it” when trying to get the seller to sign your listing agreement? ● Think about it with them. Get into their thoughts and process them with them. ● “I want to think about it” means I haven't done my job. They haven't told me their pain points or I've missed something. I ask them what is it they don’t have ? What did I miss? ● Leave the kitchen for at most 20 minutes while they discuss privately. ● I remind them of how smart they are to think their decision through. I offer more items to think about, remind them of their end goal, and reinforce the value of having me on their side. I try to narrow down the actual objection they need to think about so I can address specific worries. ● Delve into "what they need to think about" and what is their motivation.


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