Listing Presentation Guide - AFY

● I see what's driving the hesitation and address that. ● I ask what questions haven't been answered 100% to their satisfaction.

● I ask if there is anything I have not covered or answered while there. I also ask them if they are interviewing other agents or if they have already. I ask them how long they plan on waiting before listing the home. I try to uncover what their actual objection is. ● Fall back on my ability to get them top price, quickly. Buyers are out there now! ● I say, okay, what is it that you'd like to think about? Then continue drawing out the true objection. ● I use the script that seems most appropriate for their situation. ● I immediately say "I have several appointments, and this is a one time offer. I need your acceptance now. I take a limited number of listings and I prefer to work with people who are decisive." Q7: What is the biggest mistake you see other agents make, or that you have made, on listing appointments?​ ● Freelancing and making up on the fly. Not too many people can chat their way through an appointment and have good results. ● Regurgitating information all over them. Not listening. Not preparing. Not knowing the personality you are dealing with. ● Setting price beforehand. The history in the records may not reflect the current condition/updates/revocations of the house. ● Nervousness. ● Focusing on describing their own marketing, rather than tailor the presentation to the client's needs. ● Not preparing mentally and getting caught up in the seller's game. Agents lose control to the seller and no one wins. I do mental exercises before knocking on the door, and play out the process through completion in my mind. ● Expecting to walk away with the listing. You have to "earn" it. ● I must remind myself to be enthusiastic about the property sometimes. I can take properties for granted ... it's the seller's home, and it’s very special to them.


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