Listing Presentation Guide - AFY

● Not being familiar with the neighborhood the property is part of and not having all the facts. Then the homeowner knows more than you on their neighborhood, and it shows you didn't do your homework. ● My biggest mistake was acting like a stager and telling them what needed to be put away. Doing so, I offended them, and they didn’t choose me. From then on, I have a stager on my team. That way, she’s the bad guy, and they still love me! ● Not bringing an actual paper presentation as well. Not leaving something behind cost me the listing! ● Talking too much! Allow the sellers to answer your questions, and don't interrupt them! You can talk yourself out of the listing after you may already have it. ● Sometimes the biggest error comes from not knowing the seller's motivation to sell. ● Trying too hard close them at the end of the visit when they have not really earned the business. ● I did not set the expectations, such as price changing if it were necessary, or contemplating all offers. Sellers would then believe the list price was the least amount of money they'd be making. Wouldn't give them a heads up about closing costs to buyers, credit in lieu of repairs, or being a compromising seller. ● Tell the client what they want to hear, instead of the truth. ● Being late. Not having as much market info as possible. Always prepare and be early. Sit at the end of the street and breathe for a few minutes before you get there. ● Do not beg.


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