Listing Presentation Guide - AFY

Decide on Your Listing Appointment Style There is more than one style of listing appointment. Some agents prefer to “get it all done in one swoop,” and other agents get the listing in a two-step appointment. You have to decide what kind of appointment style works best for you. Here are a few listing appointment style examples. Two-Step Appointment: ​ An agent we interviewed for this guide, Mary Zentz, shared with us that she uses a two-step appointment to get listings. The first visit is so she can acquaint herself with the clients, then she returns a second time to give the presentation. “I almost always, about 99.9 percent of the time, do a two-step,” she says. “The first time I go in, the real goal is to get them to like me and trust me as they show me around their home. I have a custom form that I designed for myself to use so that I’m taking notes the entire time we’re walking around the home. They want to feel that their home is important to me, and I’m making note of all the things that make their home special. “I’m only there for a total of about 20 minutes. It’s really a fast visit. Then I come back to my office, and I put together the CMA, pull what I decide are the best comps for my purposes, and prepare the presentation. “Keep in mind, on my first trip, I really wanted them to like and trust me. Now I want to show them that I’m really knowledgeable in my field.” One-Step Appointment with Aggressive Close: ​ You might choose a one-step appointment with a more aggressive closure. This style of appointment is best for confident personalities or agents who would rather move on to another lead than try to convince someone to list with them if it didn’t happen on the first appointment. The idea is to stay at the appointment until you either get the listing or get kicked out. Keep in mind that if you choose this type of a listing appointment, you aren't likely to get a chance at a second appointment. Appointment with One Callback: ​ A third option for styling your listing appointments could be to bring all materials for one appointment, but to remain open to a callback afterward if the appointment does not conclude with a listing. With this style of appointment, used by Frank Bettger in his book ​ How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success in Selling, ​ let the prospective clients’ response at the end of the appointment guide you in crafting a follow-up email or phone call. Deciding on one of these three styles before you get to the actual appointment is important. Your style is ultimately up to you, but I don’t necessarily recommend the two-step appointment, simply


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