requirements. It depends on your thought processes, as well as personality. We understand important things and potential compromises differently. Needs are basic requirements that just cannot be ignored or compromised. Desires, on the other hand, can be left behind if the situation demands it. You need to make a clear distinction between what your needs are and which items you would classify as desires. No matter how many desires you have unfulfilled now, they can be worked on later. A pool can be added and paint colors can always be changed.


Consider your pets in your home shopping. Home buyers who are pet owners have specific requirements — they must provide for their pets. A third of millennial-aged Americans (ages 18 to 36) who purchased their first home (33%) say the desire to have a better space or yard for a dog influenced their decision to purchase the home, according to a survey conducted online by Harris Poll, on behalf of SunTrust Mortgage. Dogs ranked among the top three motivators for first-time home purchasers and were cited by more millennials than marriage/upcoming marriage, 25%, or the birth/expected birth of a child, 19%. It is essential that the neighborhood in which you are going to buy a house has no restrictions on pets — or livestock, if that is something you desire. Do you raise American Staffordshire Terriers, also known as pit bulls? There are neighborhoods that ban this breed. What about goats? Vietnamese pigs? Have you always wanted fresh eggs from your own chickens? Include your animals in location planning.

Some pet owners choose wood or other hard flooring, not


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