Expired Book – Variation #2 Preview

Learn how to tap into this rule, and you will not have to settle for less than your asking price. Leverage a unique selling point. Buyers who fall in love don’t haggle over pricing; they make good offers. THE 80/20 RULE IN ACTION: BUYERS SEARCH FOR UNIQUE FEATURES

In some cases, the 80/20 rule even helps people make a sale without conducting a showing. This is a huge time saver. The house in this next example had languished on the market for months. Unlike the previous house, this place was not ugly. Rather, it was a brand-new custom custom-built home. But nobody seemed to care. It sat on the market for seven-plus months without a single offer. The builder was baffled. His fancy new house wouldn’t

sell. He ended up firing his agent and hiring a new one. Fortunately, the new agent knew the importance of finding that special feature. He drove out to give the house a thorough investigation. What he found changed everything. The house had a gorgeous five- acre yard. Other houses being sold in the area were all on one- to two-acre lots. Not only was the yard bigger, but it was more private than other lots available. The new agent focused on marketing the five acres. He mentioned details and a description of the house. But the lot, not the house itself, was the focus. In no time, his phone rang! A buyer was relocating. He had noticed the house was for sale, but it hadn’t caught his eye before. That changed when he learned it was built on a five-acre lot. Suddenly, he was very interested—so interested, in fact, that he submitted an offer from 1,000 miles away. He had never even seen it in person.


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