home. Ideally, you want to replace them all, but if a more limited budget constrains you, start by replacing the carpet in the room that shows the most wear and tear and replace the others as finances permit. • Keep up with maintenance. Compile a list of all the little things that are broken or in need of repair in your home. Note the cracks in the walkways, the chips in the wall paint, and the outdoor faucet that doesn’t really work. Considered individually, minor repairs might not seem that important, but if every room has just one thing wrong, those small issues will add up to give the impression that your home hasn’t been taken care of. If you don’t feel comfortable taking on the repairs yourself, hire a professional. Staying on top of maintenance today can eliminate problems tomorrow if you should decide to sell.
This list of ten improvement projects is from www.homes.com:
• Landscape. Landscaping is extremely important to present the house to other people. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, but maintaining it is crucial. • Fix minor repairs; don’t give the next owner a laundry list of chores to deal with. • For a refreshed and updated look, paint the walls. A simple and easy fix! • If you plan on making major enhancements to the home, consider updating the kitchen. • Consider updating a bathroom, as those usually have the most bang for your buck.
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