off either because the buyer is not familiar with them, or is too familiar and knows just how hard it is to get parts when they fail. Basements are also tricky. A nice big recreation room is certainly a draw, but too customized may not add value in an appraisal. People also tend to have their own ideas of exactly what a rec room should be. If you have not finished your basement already or are planning on leaving in less than five years, it is best to either leave it alone or to put up walls along the outside of the basement and install cheap but decently attractive flooring and inexpensive drop ceilings, allowing the buyer to customize to his own tastes. It is also important that you not overlook the basic systems. When people are looking at a home, they do not expect to find leaky pipes, a non-working furnace, or electrical outlets that pop a breaker as soon as something is plugged into an outlet. These and other issues like mold, a leaky roof, or stained and damaged carpet will generally turn off a buyer, regardless of how amazing the kitchen and bathrooms may be. Some of these, especially less visible issues like an aging furnace or water heater, may seem like a waste of money if you are planning on selling soon but are actually of critical importance. A buyer may not notice such issues on an initial walk-through. But even if an offer is made and accepted, that is not necessarily the end of the story. Inspectors will almost certainly be coming through the home as part of the process and can derail a sale. An appraiser may notice such aging equipment and other factors like old carpet and flooring and adjust the home’s value based on the current market. Home inspectors are less concerned with market value but they will point out that even if it is running flawlessly now, a 25-year- old furnace can give out at any time, often leading a buyer to


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