night time, and should only be used with caution where there is plenty of light or where that atmosphere is not at odds with a room’s obvious purpose (e.g. a study). • Brown: Brown and its variants are excellent colours to choose for your home. From dark earthy browns to the ever-present beige, brown is a versatile hue that is a great replacement for places where white would seem like an obvious choice. Dark browns give off a cozy feel that can keep a room from feeling too big, but be careful not to overdo it, as home buyers may make a snap judgment that the size of the room seems too small. Once you’ve chosen which neutral colours best suit your home, don’t forget that adding a splash of colour can bring a room to life. A light blue room with a splash of orange can open it up and play on the contrasts. Try to keep the colour ratio at a maximum of 80% neutral, 20% others to avoid having colours clash.
Authenticity is a big factor in selling your home. Many can claim to have replicas, but to feature a genuine display of artwork or artisanal furnishings and features (e.g. a custom fireplace or ornate woodwork on the stairs and trim) can be a key factor in convincing a prospective home buyer that your home is the one they want to buy.
Bold Front Door
An easy way to snag buyers is to emphasize your home’s curb appeal with a boldly painted front door. A dark red door among neutral colours can have potential home buyers eager to see what else the home features.
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