finished hardwood that became popular in the early 2000's.
Taking everything into consideration, if you can afford hardwood floors, get them. Buyers are looking for them and will even pass up homes without hardwood, regardless of their other virtues. Not only are they looking, but more than half of agents report that buyers are willing to pay more for a home with wood floors. And given the former craze for carpeting, it is very possible that under your dated shag is an oak goldmine waiting to be uncovered and refinished to its former glory. Should you not have such a treasure waiting under your feet and budget is an issue, you can go with a pre-finished narrow hardwood or laminate floor, which provide many of the advantages of engineered hardwood at less cost.
I remember over the years since buying our first home in 1983 the crazy colours, wall papers or faux finishes I had on our walls! Of course, there was the phase of bold, dark colors in the 1990s that seems a bit garish by contemporary standards. And if we go back a bit more, we might be able to remember wallpaper covered with very small print that looked like a precursor to those Magic Eye pictures. Times and tastes change and if you are looking at selling your home in the near future, few things will help you more for less money than a fresh look to the walls. For some great ideas of what's the new hot trend I always go to Pinterest!
Paint is the most popular wall covering and has been for years. It is easy to apply yourself, is relatively cheap, and anything but an
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