enhance the spa-like feel of the atmosphere, match just about any colour scheme, and are more appealing than flimsy plastic enclosures. Don’t forget to consider who will be purchasing your home when renovating your shower. There are various options on the market, but it helps to update the showerheads in accordance with the type of home buyers you’d like to appeal to. For potential owners under 45, multiple showerheads are a go-to choice. For older home buyers, hand showers that can assist seated individuals may be best. Seating also plays a factor for the elderly and infirm, who prefer some resistance when showering and should have somewhere to sit for safety and health reasons.


Bathroom tile can be one of the more expensive features to renovate, so it pays to be deliberate in your choices. One smart way to save money is to limit tile strategically, focusing only on a specific area of the floor instead of the entire floor (e.g. inside the shower stall). Another clever trick is to use the expensive tile as an accent, mixing it in with less expensive tile to save money, but also highlight the costlier tile with contrast. Because of the cost, you may want to align your renovations in accordance with the tile’s colour and attributes. While installing a heated bathroom floor is a nice touch, it will not return a reasonable ROI and tearing up your floor can be needlessly expensive and time-consuming.


There’s more to remodeling your bathroom than meets the eye. While it may be nice to have a window to open after a steamy shower, this is an old solution. The focus on modernity is automation and efficiency. If your bathroom does not have a


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