Tested Sentences That Sell - Authorify

“This is all you have to do.” “This simply presses down.” “Doesn‟t this operate easily?” “Isn‟t this convenient to use?”

Get Action With Action

If the prospect has been discouraged with some article and brings up the objection that it was hard to handle or operate, don‟t tell her this is not true.

Say, “That was true of old-fashioned ones. But now see how easily these new models work.”

Get the prospect to take active part in a demonstration, for this keeps up interest and prevents her mind from wandering into a field full of objections.

People like to take part. Let them. Let them operate it. Let them “run the big show.” You be the master of ceremonies. Say:

“Here, try it yourself.” “See how easy it is to use.” “Doesn‟t this work easily?” “You‟ll like using this.” “Isn‟t this handle comfortable?”

Desire to possess comes with handling, trying, and working the article to be purchased. Let the other person feel, smell, and taste what you are selling.

Say it with flowers!

P. 106

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