Tested Sentences That Sell - Authorify

WHEELER: “I sure do. Now if you ---- “

SCHMALTZ: “Then git the blazes out of this store! That‟s the biggest favor you can do for me. I‟ve lost $2.85 in sales already. Now git, you – darn you, git!”

WHEELER: “Gee, these grocery fellows are certainly hard people to sell. Guess it‟s account of that Patman Bill .”

The Right Way To Make A Sales Presentation

WHEELER (To Audience).): “That was slightly exaggerated, to be sure, but it illustrates a might important principle in selling today, which is this:

“A salesman calling on a dealer has only ten short seconds to catch the dealer‟s interest, and if in those ten short seconds he doesn‟t say something mighty important, the dealer will leave him, either physically or mentally. “Now let us see this same salesman one month later, after he has thrown away his „canned‟ sales talk and has made a careful study of the „planned‟ TESTED presentation style of selling. “Not only does he now have ten-second door-crashers, „Tested Selling Sentences,‟ and „Tested Techniques,‟ but he also has an interesting plan of giving the dealer ready-made words and sales techniques to help the dealer build his volume.

“I‟ll again take the role of the salesman.”

(Wheeler enters store in breezy manner.)

WHEELER: “Good morning, Mr. Schmaltz, my name is Wheeler. I‟m from A. F. Bickley & Sons. How would you like to build your butter-and-egg business?”

SCHMALTZ: “Guess I would. Who wouldn‟t?”

WHEELER: “Feel the weight of this egg.” (Puts eggs into Schmaltz‟s right hand.) “Now feel the weight of this egg!” (Puts another egg into Schmaltz‟s left hand.) “The egg in your right hand is much heavier than the egg in your left hand, yet both eggs are the same size. Isn‟t that true?”

SCHMALTZ (Puzzled.): “Yes this egg is heavier – how come?”

WHEELER: “That is a Bickley farm-controlled egg, Mr. Schmaltz, laid by a hen that has been fed scientifically balanced food that contains calcium.”

SCHMALTZ: “Calcium? What is calcium?”

P. 116

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