Tested Sentences That Sell - Authorify

“Mr. Schmaltz, which do you sell the most of, the white or the brown eggs?”

SCHMALTZ: “Oh, I sell nearly all white eggs in this community.”

WHEELER: “ When would you like me to send you a box of our white calcium eggs, on Monday or Tuesday ?”

SCHMALTZ (Absent-mindedly.): “Monday will be all right.”

WHEELER: “Good-day. I‟ll send this order out promptly C.O.D., and I‟ll be back next week with some more „Tested Selling Sentences‟ to help you build your business.” SCHMALTZ (Suddenly comes out of daze.): “Say – say you, young feller – too late – he‟s gone, and I bought some eggs from that feller, and I really didn‟t need them till next week. He musta used some of that magic on me. But pshaw! He‟s a nice fellow.”

P. 119

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