Tested Sentences That Sell - Authorify

“Of course not,” says the astonished girl, sitting back, giving him her full attention, wondering why he said what he did.

With the complete attention of his prospect in ten seconds, the one-armed man holds up some pencils and says:

“Then perhaps you could use a good pencil!”

But again BEWARE – don‟t use obvious tricks! They boomerang!

Don‟t help the customer say “No” by such statements as these:

“Is there anything else?” “Something else today?” “Will that be all?”

Word your questions so that it is impossible for the other person to respond with the two-letter negative, “No!”

Try saying:

“What else?”

The other person begins to think, “What else do I need?” He can‟t say “No” to “What else?”

Of course, where possible, tell some ten-second story about some item you want to sell, and by selling the sizzle and not the steak, the bubbles and not the wine, the whiff and not the coffee, the pucker and not the pickle, your chances of making that extra sale are greater. “Corns gone in five days or your money back,” is a famous old headliner that is tested. What else can you say? It comes out in ten short seconds; you “Say It With Flowers” with a guarantee. What a “sizzle” to a person with corns!

Selling the other person is so simple. Why make it complicated? Remember, the selling word is mightier than the price tag.

P. 146

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