Tested Sentences That Sell - Authorify

Don‟t sell ball bearings – sell ease of operation! Don‟t sell suction – sell cleaner rugs! Health, comfort, labor-saving, leisure, and cleaner homes are the “sizzles” in this particular vacuum cleaner; construction and mechanism the “cow”.

Are you beginning to see what is meant by first finding the “sizzles” in what you are selling, before even attempting to form the words to convey the “sizzles” to the prospect?

Put on a pair of “sizzle specs” now and look at your own “sales package.” Then write down the one, five, ten, or twenty “sizzles” you find – in the order of what at first blush you believe will be of importance to the prospect.

Then Learn to Have “You-Ability”

One BIG QUESTION is running through the prospect‟s mind as you are showing your merchandise and telling your sales story, and that question is:

“What will it do for me?”

Therefore, almost everything you say or do must be said and done in such a way that it ALWAYS answers this important question! You must develop a NEED for your product in the mind of the prospect – for until he realizes a need, you will make little sales progress. Now all of the “sizzles” you list for your product may create a need in the mind of the customer – but remember that although these “sizzles” may be of EQUAL IMPORTANCE to you, they may differ in importance to the prospect. If you have “you- ability,” you will be able to take your “sizzles” and fit them to each prospect with uncanny accuracy! “You-ability” is the ability to get on the other side of the fence – to put on a pair of invisible “sizzle specs” and see your product through the EYES OF THE CUSTOMER. “You-ability” is the ability to say “you,” not “I” – and the ability to present the “sizzles” in the order that the CUSTOMER considers important.

Summary of Wheelerpoint 1

P. 14

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