Tested Sentences That Sell - Authorify

MR. RISHEL: “Well, how did they?”

MR. WHEELER: “They put us to work with their dealers, not on them!”

MR. RISHEL: “ With their dealers, not on them! Hum-m-m-m! That‟s well expressed, young man. How was it done?”

MR. WHEELER: “First we made a study of the dealer‟s problems. This was done right in his own store, behind his own counters, on his own customers. We made three important discoveries which I have briefly listed in this recommendation for your business.” (Hands proposal to Rishel.)

MR. RISHEL: “In other words, you helped the dealer help himself – and he naturally bought from you?”

MR. WHEELER: “Yes, sir. You see the best products won‟t sell themselves – and the best looking dotted line won‟t sign itself .

“We realized, as salesmen, that our job really began AFTER we got our goods on the dealer‟s shelf. We had to help him move the goods off the shelf, by showing him certain TESTED selling methods that make people buy.

“We worked with the dealer – not on the dealer.”

MR. RISHEL: (Getting interested.): “Could this sales training job of working with the dealer be done in my business? You know it‟s different from others.”

MR. WHEELER: “As long as your salesmen must say something to your dealers, and as long as the dealers must say something to the public in selling your services, you can use this TESTED plan of teaching dealers WHAT to say and HOW to say it.”

MR. RISHEL: “Well, we certainly use words and sales processes in our business – but what assurance can you give me that this novel plan will work with us? We are different, you know, and I must have some proof to give our president.”

MR. WHEELER: “Have you a territory in such bad shape that you are not afraid to experiment?”

P. 153

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