Tested Sentences That Sell - Authorify

It‟s the little things you DO as you speak your lines that make the sales presentation stand out. The movement of your hands – your head – your feet – tells the prospect how sincere and honest you are. Don‟t be a “comic valentine” salesman with a shine in your sales talk and bags in your selling technique as well as in your pants. Don‟t be the telegraph operator who knows the message but fumbles the keys.

Make the wires sing out – but make them sing DRAMATICALLY.

Get action with action!

Demonstrate – but DEMONSTRATE TO SELL!

Synchronize your “sizzles” with SHOWMANSHIP!

The motion that accompanies utterance of words – the expression on the seller‟s face at the time – the manner in which he handles the product – all are a part of a successful presentation with “Tested Selling.” The rule for you to apply is this: Say the “sizzle” quickly – but say it with gestures! And then when the time comes to stop your parade of “sizzles” and ask the prospect to buy, use the principles in the next Wheelerpoint.


Don‟t Ask If – Ask Which!

We mean you should always frame your words (especially at the close) so that you give the prospect a choice between something and SOMETHING, never between something and NOTHING. Ask leading questions like the good lawyer – but always ask a question that gets the answer YOU want! Never take a chance and ask a question unless you know the reply you will get. There are two kinds of salesmen, those who talk with question marks and those who talk with exclamation marks. Be the question-mark salesman who hooks his prospect‟s interest with leading questions – do not whack him into submission with exclamation marks.

Never ask the prospect if he wants to buy – but WHICH! Give him a choice. Ask him what, when, where, or how much he wants to buy. Not if – but which!

Ask the right question and you‟ll get the answer YOU want!

P. 160

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