Tested Sentences That Sell - Authorify

* Apologies to the Florists‟ Telegraph Delivery Association ** “Elmer” is Mr. Prospect, “Nellie” Mrs. Prospect to the Hoover Co. salesmen.

“Flowers” That Go Over with Vacuum Cleaner Buyers

1. Run Cleaner under table or into dark corner, point to Dirt Finder, turn switch on and off to dramatize the light and say: “It sees where to clean – and it‟s clean where it‟s been.” 2. Step on Automatic Rug Adjuster. Invite prospect to do likewise (monkey-see, monkey-do instinct). Then say: “It automatically ADJUSTS itself to any thickness of rug.” 3. Push cleaner away from you, maintaining your hold on cord. Then pull it back to you lightly, saying: “It has BALL-BEARING action – a child can move it! It‟s the little things you do as you “speak your lines” that make the sale stand out. The movement of your hands, your head, your feet, and your pencil tells the prospect you are sincere – honest – convincing!

Your face is the prospect‟s most reliable mirror.

But never, NEVER lose a sale because of an “unprofessional mannerism.”

Unprofessional Mannerisms That Kill Sales

“He moved listlessly, pointing aimlessly.” “He leaned on the counter and talked to me and to the next customer.” “He was slow and yawned several times in my face.! “He gazed into space, answering my questions.” “He became antagonized by my many questions.” “He got irritated when I didn‟t understand quickly.” “His fingernails were shabby; so were his shoes.” “He kept reaching for his order book, trying to high-pressure me.”

These “Telegrams” Lack Action and Drama

“It keeps the home clean.” “It‟s a good investment.”

(But how?)

(In what way?)

“It‟s a good buy.”

(All salesmen say that.)

“You‟ll like it.”

(I will?)

“I like it.”

(So what - ?)

P. 19

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