Tested Sentences That Sell - Authorify

Chapter 4

Don‟t Ask If – Ask Which!

(Wheelerpoint 4)

By “DON‟T ASK IF – ASK WHICH” I mean you should always frame your words (especially at the close) so that you give the prospect a choice between something and something, never between SOMETHING and NOTHING. You will find a sale moving more swiftly to a successful close if you ask leading questions, as a good lawyer does, making it easy and natural for your prospect to say “Yes.” There are two kinds of salespeople, those who throw huge exclamation marks at you as they talk and those who hook your interest tactfully with question marks. Being a Question-Mark instead of an Exclamation-Mark salesman is the fourth difference between a winner and a loser in salesmanship.

The Value of The Word “Which”

The Exclamation-Mark salesman clubs his prospects with his pet ideas – and they flee out the nearest exit! He is always using such words as:

“I‟m positive …. !” “I KNOW I‟m right …. “ “You MUST …. “

He points his finger, he pounds the counter, he sticks out his chin, but he never asks the prospect a diplomatic question to find out if his sales talk is going over.

Hook the long curved arm of a question mark around your prospects and customers, and you will draw them nearer to the cash register or the dotted line – but be SURE you ask them questions that GET THE ANSWERS YOU WANT! Never ask the prospect IF he wants to buy – but WHEN, WHAT, WHERE, and HOW! Not if – but which!

These Questions Won‟t Get The Replies You Want

“Could you afford the better-priced one?” “Would you be interested in the dusting kit?” “Would you like me to explain this feature to you?” “Shall I demonstrate this to you?” “How about it?” “Howya fixed for a … ?”

P. 22

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