Tested Sentences That Sell - Authorify

Don‟t be a “How-about-it?” salesman, or a “How-ya-fixed-for-it?” salesman. These are bad expressions to acquire . Eliminate them from your sales vocabulary. They have grown “whiskers,” and they lack “punch,” as later chapters will show. They are not only “baggy in the knees” with a “shine in their seats,” but they have grown “long beards.” Avoid them!

But These Questions Get The Answers You Want

“You perhaps are wondering what Positive Agitation is, aren‟t you?” “You like this feature, don‟t you?” “That‟s neat, isn‟t it?”

“ Which of these do you prefer?” “ When would you like delivery?”

“ How do you prefer paying, weekly or monthly?” “ Where do you plan using it, here or over there?”

Ask the RIGHT question, especially in the close, and you‟ll get the answer you want – and the order will follow quickly.

Tested Questions Revive Wavering Sales

Whenever you feel the sale wavering, ASK A TESTED QUESTION - one that will start you off on a new tack. A question gives you a breathing spell while the prospect is answering it. The question mark is also a good method of bringing objections into the open. The technique is very simple to acquire. Whenever the prospect is wavering and tells you some reason for not buying, ASK HIM WHY. “Why?” is the hardest one word for a prospect to answer! He will struggle to answer your “why.” He will find it difficult to put his objection into suitable words. His vague, distant, hidden objection is often so imaginary it CAN‟T be framed in words. For instance, observe this example:

NELLIE: “I‟ll think it over.” SALESMAN: “Why?” NELLIE: “Well – I – it just seems best.”

By using this rule of “Why” you gradually bring out all the objections of the prospect. Soon all the questions seem answered – but still the prospect won‟t buy. ONE KEY OBJECTION still worries the prospect. What is it? Cost? Weight? Construction? Practicality? Can‟t realize the need? Feels another has better features?


Ask him, “ Why do you hesitate? – Why do you believe it is too costly? – Why do you want to wait until fall?” Keep him answering your “whys” until you find the REAL objection. Then when YOU ARE SURE you have discovered the real objection, handle it with this “tested technique”:

P. 23

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