Tested Sentences That Sell - Authorify

Chapter 5

Watch Your Bark!

(Wheelerpoint 5)

We COME NOW to the last Wheelerpoint, and upon its proper execution hinges the test of how much your sales words will succeed or fail – for your VOICE is the “carrier” of your message! The finest “sizzle” that you telegraph in ten words in ten seconds, with a huge bouquet of “flowers” and lots of “Which,” “When,” “Where,” and “How,” FLOPS if the voice is FLAT. It is not necessary or advisable to be an actor and elocute – but a PROPER TONE OF VOICE carries the message swifter and TRUER to the other person with least “static.”

“His Master‟s Voice”

Consider how much the little dog can express with just one word and one tail to wag! What he can do with the tone of his “woof” and the wag of his tail in conveying his many messages is well worth emulating!

Watch the “bark” that can creep into your voice! Watch the “wag” behind your words!

Don‟t Be a “Johnny-One-Note”

Train your voice to run its entire scale of tones. Read a book out loud to yourself at night. Cup your hands behind your ears and hear yourself talk. This is excellent drilling in how to pitch your voice properly. Avoid a mechanical, monotonous voice. Inflect! Emphasize! Lower – raise – talk slowly – then speed up dramatically. Vary the tempo of your words! This makes you interesting to the listener.

Don‟t be a Johnny-one-note. Learn to highlight your sales points by playing the full “organ” of your vocal chords – the entire range! Not just one note!

Be the director who can go from instrument to instrument. Above all, avoid tone and voice peculiarities that attract attention to themselves – rather than to your message.

P. 25

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